Friday, November 16, 2012

Herbert's Balcony Cheat!

A-LOT of people have been begging others (saraapril, trainman, kitty) about how to get on Herbert's balcony without having to wait {newsflash, it'll be open tommorow, so enjoy your fame today :3 }. So, I asked around and finnally someone helped me: (username: Sebastian914, make sure to add him! P.s. He's on the balcony in the pic. :D  )
It was really simple after he showed me! So, here is a tiny tutorial, since no one wants to give away the trick:
Step1: Go down the hole, no certian way, just climb down:
Step 2: Don't move! (But if you mess up, its ok, just get as close to the exact spot as possible) Double click the ladder, but first...:
Step 3: Right before you go up (the load bar comes) click the circled area of rocks, you should go..:
Step 4:...To the balcony! Check it out:
Here are the rooms you'll see:
*Oops! I ment to say,  "Its cool but I can't get past!"*

When you go through the other vent you end up in the second security room:
Waddle on,

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