Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Party!

Hey everyone, quick announcement: I'm staying over at my grandmother's house starting thursday through sometime next week. If you order, it will take a little while, but it the mean time:

If you cant read it, it says:

"Thanksgiving Party"

"Date: Nov 21"

"Time: 3:00 EST (make sure you have the right time zone!)"

"Server: Yeti"

"Place: My iggy"

"See you there!"

I hope you can attend, it'll be great! We need a band though! If you would like to preform, just comment below! If multiple people would like to perform, thats great too! Also, one lucky penguin (MUST ATTEND PARTY FOR CHANCE TO WIN) will win a one month membership! (Like I said, I will be out for awhile, so they will receive it AFTER I get back!) To get a chance just comment below! I will be inviting (NO guarantee they'll attend):









Well, hope you can attend! The more the merrier, invite your friends! Everyone there will get one free stamp icon! (I have to see your player card, so dress how you'd like to look in the pic) just comment here.


  1. Cool! I have made 2 Thanksgiving Igloos to celebrate earlier, I do I everytime since I love editing my igloos, anyways, I might post both of my Thanksgiving Igloos in my blog, I will do my best to attend


  2. Sorry for not coming. I had a lot going on that day. Hope it was a great party! :D

    ~ Pup1one
